March 25, 2025

Studii de preistorie 3/2005-2006

  • Douglass W. BAILEY - An interview with Michael Shanks
  • Corneliu BELDIMAN, Diana-Maria SZTANCS - Pendeloques paléolithiques et épipaléolithiques de Roumanie
  • Adina BORONEANŢ, Alexandru DINU - The Romanian Mesolithic and the transition to farming. A case study: the Iron Gates
  • Alexandru DINU, David MEIGGS, Adrian BĂLĂŞESCU, Adina BORONEANŢ, Andrei SOFICARU, Nicolae MIRIŢOIU - On Men and Pigs: Were Pigs Domesticated at Mesolithic Iron Gates of the Danube?
  • Sanda BĂCUEŢ CRIŞAN - The Starcevo-Criş settlement from Zăuan "Dâmbul Cimitirului". Old and new viewpoints
  • Sergiu HAIMOVICI - The study of the archaeozoological remains found in pit no 3, containing human skulls from Cârcea - Viaduct, Starcevo-Criş culture
  • Alexandru DRAGOMAN - Texte, discursuri şi ideologie în cercetarea (e)neoliticului din România. Texts, discourses and ideology in (E)Neolithic research in Romania
  • Valentina VOINEA, George NEAGU - Începutul eneoliticului în Dobrogea: între prejudecăţi şi certitudini. The beginning of the Eneolithic in Dobrogea: between preconceptions and certainties
  • Cristian MICU, Florian MIHAIL, Michel MAILLE - Une représentation de bâtiment découverte dans le tell de Luncaviţa, point Cetăţuia
  • Hortensia DUMITRESCU (cu o adnotare de / with an annotation of Silvia MARINESCU-BÎLCU) - Zâmbreasca 1947
  • Mădălin - Cornel VĂLEANU - Descoperirile de la Cucuteni şi Societatea de Medici şi Naturalişti din Iaşi (1884-1891). Les découverts du site Cucuteni et la Société des Médecins et Naturalistes du Iassy (1884-1891)
  • Gabriel VASILE - Un schelet incomplet atribuit primei epoci a fierului (Hallstatt), descoperit la Capidava La Bursuci - studiu anthropologic. An incomplete skeleton assigned to first period of Iron Age (Hallstatt), discovered at Capidava La Bursuci - anthropological study
  • Matthieu LE BAILLY, Françoise BOUCHET - La Paléoparasitologie. Les parasites comme marqueurs de la vie des populations anciennes

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