The journal Studies of Prehistory

The journal Studies of Prehistory is edited starting from 2001 by the Romanian Association of Archaeology (ARA), a non profit and non governmental organization. This journal is annual and is structured on chapters dedicated especially to prehistoric archaeology, but also on related inter- and pluridisciplinary studies (sedimentology, micromorphology, archaeozoology, anthropology etc.), to which book presentations and reviews are added. The authors publishing in the journal Studies of Prehistory are specialists from the academic world and the museums network, from our country and from abroad. The majority of the articles are drawn up in integrum in a foreign international language and those in Romanian language have consistent abstracts in a foreign language (English, French or German). Thus, prestigious researchers (e.g. Douglass W. Bailey, Richard I. Macphail, Vincent Ollivier, Lolita Nikolova, David Pecreaux, Laurent Carozza, Marcel Otte etc.) from the national and international archaeology published important contributions in the pages of this journal.

In 2009 the journal Studies of Prehistory was indexed in the international database Central and Eastern European Online Library - C. E. E. O. L., and in 2010 was accepted in the evaluation program by Thomson Reuters - ISI. In 2012 our journal was indexed in the international database SCOPUS and started with no. 12 the Studies of Prehistory was selected for coverage in Elsevier product(s).

Also, Studies of Prehistory is indexed in the online databases Dyabola and Donau-Archäologie (Germany). The articles are available free download on the webpage of Romanian Association of Archaeology and also on the webpage C. E. E. O. L.

The outline of the international prestige of the journal is certificated by its presence in the libraries of famous museums, research institutes and universities from our country and from abroad (United Kingdom, France, USA, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Canada, Republic of Moldova, Greece, Belgium, Germany etc.).

The journal Studies of Prehistory occupy a special place for the scientific national and international community, by the authors professionalism, and by the value of the published article sand studies, being a landmark in the prehistoric archaeological research from the South East European space.

Studii de Preistorie is an academic open access journal and it is indexed in European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS) and Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL).

© Copyright 2008 Asociaţia Română de Arheologie

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